正文 Chapter XXII

I trust that my readers have not cluded from the preg chapter on books that reading is my only pleasure; my pleasures and amusements are many and varied.

More than on the course of my story I have referred to my love of the try and out-of-door sports.

When I was quite a little girl, I learo row and swim, and during the summer, when I am at Wrentham, Massachusetts, I almost live in my boat. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to take my friends out rowing when they visit me. Of course, I ot guide the boat very well. Some one usually sits iern and mahe rudder while I row. Sometimes, however, I go rowing without the rudder. It is fun to try to steer by the st of watergrasses and lilies, and of bushes that grow on the shore. I use oars with leather bands, which keep them in position in the oarlocks, and I know by the resistance of the water when the oars are evenly poised. In the same manner I also tell when I am pulling against the current. I like to t……(内容加载失败!)




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