正文 Chapter XXIII

Would that I could enrich this sketch with the names of all those who have ministered to my happiness! Some of them would be found written in our literature ao the hearts of many, while others would be wholly unknown to most of my readers. But their influehough it escapes fame, shall live immortal in the lives that have beeened and ennobled by it. Those are red-letter days in our lives when we meet people who thrill us like a fine poem, people whose handshake is brimful of unspoken sympathy, and whose sweet, riatures impart ter, impatient spirits a wonderful restfulness which, in its essence, is divihe perplexities, irritations and worries that have absorbed us pass like unpleasant dreams, and we wake to see with new eyes and hear with new ears the beauty and harmony of Gods real world. The solemn nothings that fill our everyday life blossom suddenly intht possibilities. In a word, while such friends are near us we feel that all is well. Perhaps we neve……(内容加载失败!)




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