正文 1891~1895

TEE R. KREHL Institution for the Blind, South Boston, Mass., March 20, 1891.

My Dear Friend, Mr. Krehl:--I have just heard, through Mr. Wade, of your kind offer to buy me a gentle dog, and I want to thank you for the kind thought. It makes me very happy io know that I have such dear friends in other lands. It makes me think that all people are good and loving. I have read that the English and Ameris are cousins; but I am sure it would be much truer to say that we are brothers and sisters. My friends have told me about yreat and magnifit city, and I have read a great deal that wise Englishmen have written. I have begun to read "Enoch Arden," and I know several of the great poets poems by heart. I am eager to cross the o, for I want to see my English friends and their good and wise queen. Ohe Earl of Meath came to see me, aold me that the queen was much beloved by her people, because of her gentleness and wisdom. Some day you will be surprised to see a li……(内容加载失败!)




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