正文 1896~1901

TEE H. BRADFORD New York, February 4, 1896.

What I say which will make you uand how much Teacher and I appreciate your thoughtful kindness in sending us those little souvenirs of the dear room where we first met the best and ki of friends? Indeed, you ever know all the fort you have given us. ut the dear picture on the mantel-pie our room where we see it every day, and I often go and touch it, and somehow I ot help feeling that our beloved friend is very o me.... It was very hard to take up our school wain, as if nothing had happened; but I am sure it is well that we have duties which must be done, and which take our minds away for a time at least from our sorrow....

TO MISS CAROLINE DERBY New York, Mard, 1896. ...We miss dear King John sadly. It was so hard to lose him, he was the best and ki of friends, and I do not know what we shall do without him....

We went to a poultry-show... and the man there kindly permitted us to feel of the birds. They wer……(内容加载失败!)




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