正文 Part III: A Supplementary Account of Helen Keller


The Writing of the Book It is fitting that Miss Kellers "Story of My Life" should appear at this time. What is remarkable in her career is already aplished, and whatever she may do iure will be but a relatively slight addition to the success which distinguishes her now. That success has just been assured, for it is her work at Radcliffe during the last two years which has shown that she carry her education as far as if she were studying under normal ditions. Whatever doubts Miss Keller herself may have had are now at rest.

Several passages of her autobiography, as it appeared in serial form, have been made the subject of a grave editorial in a Boston neer, in which the writer regretted Miss Kellers apparent disillusio in regard to the value of her college life. He quoted the passages in which she explains that college is not the "universal Athens" she had hoped to find, and cited the cases of other remarkable persons whose college life had p……(内容加载失败!)




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