PERSONALITY Mark Twain has said that the two most iing characters of the eenth tury are Napoleon and Helen Keller. The admiration with which the world has regarded her is more than justified by what she has done. No one tell any great truth about her which has not already been written, and all that I do is to give a few more facts about Miss Kellers work and add a little to what is known of her personality.

Miss Keller is tall and strongly built, and has always had good health. She seems to be more nervous than she really is, because she expresses more with her hands than do most English-speaking people. One reason for this habit of gesture is that her hands have been so long her instruments of unication that they have taken to themselves the quick shiftings of the eye, and express some of the things that we say in a glance. All deaf people naturally gesticulate. Indeed, at oime it was believed that the best way for them to unicate was through systema……(内容加载失败!)




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