EDUCATION It is now sixty-five years since Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe khat he had made his way through Laura Bridgmans fio her intelligehe names of Laura Bridgman and Helen Keller will always be liogether, and it is necessary to uand what Dr. Howe did for his pupil before one es to an at of Miss Sullivans work. For Dr. Howe is the great pioneer on whose work that of Miss Sullivan and other teachers of the deaf-blind immediately depends.

Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe was born in Boston, November 10, 1801, and died in Boston, January 9, 1876. He was a great philanthropist, ied especially in the education of all defectives, the feeble-mihe blind, and the deaf. Far in advance of his time he advocated many public measures for the relief of the poor and the diseased, for which he was laughed at then, but which have since been put into practice. As head of the Perkins Institution for the Blind in Boston, he heard of Laura Bridgman and had her brought to the Institution……(内容加载失败!)




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