正文 -2

I HAVE MADE IT A PRACTICE TO ANSWER ALL HELENS QUESTIONS TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY IN A WAY INTELLIGIBLE TO HER, and at the same time truthfully. "Why should I treat these questions differently?" I asked myself. I decided that there was no reason, except my deplorable ignorance of the great facts that underlie our physical existe was no doubt because of this ignorahat I rushed in where more experienced angels fear to tread. There isnt a living soul in this part of the world to whom I go for advi this, or indeed, in any other educational difficulty. The only thing for me to do in a perplexity is to go ahead, and learn by making mistakes. But in this case I dont think I made a mistake. I took Helen and my Botany, "How Plants Grow," up iree, where we often go to read and study, and I told her in simple words the story of plantlife. I reminded her of the , beans and watermelon-seed she had planted in the spring, and told her that the tall in the garden, a……(内容加载失败!)




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