LITERARY STYLE No one have read Miss Kellers autobiography without feeling that she writes unusually fine English. Any teacher of position knows that he bring his pupils to the point of writing without errors in syntax or in the choice of words. It is just this accuracy which Miss Kellers early education fixes as the point to whiy healthy child be brought, and which the analysis of that education ats for. Those who try to make her an exception not to be explained by any sualysis of her early education, fortify their position by an appeal to the remarkable excellence of her use of language even when she was a child.

This appeal is to a certain degree valid; for, ihose additional harmonies of language aies of thought which make style are the gifts of the gods. No teacher could have made Helen Keller sensitive to the beauties of language and to the finer interplay of thought which demands expression in melodious wroupings.

At the same time the inbift of……(内容加载失败!)




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CHAPTER IV.目录+书签-->