正文 C H A P T E R 2

I am gone.

This is not a fairy tale, but the true history of my double life, left behind where it all began, in case I may be found again.

My own story begins when I was a boy of seven, free of my current desires. Nearly thirty years ago, on an August afternoon, I ran away from home and never made it back. Certain trivial and fotten matters set me off, but I remember preparing for a long journey, stuffing my pockets with biscuits left over from lunch, and creeping out of the house so softly that my mht not know I had ever left.

From the back door of the farmhouse to the creeping edge of the forest, our yard was bathed in light, as if a borderland to cross carefully, in fear of be-ing exposed. Upon reag the wilderness, I felt safe and hidden in the dark, dark wood, and as I walked on, stillness led in the spaces among the trees. The birds had stopped singing, and the is were at rest. Tired of the blaz-i, a tree groaned as if shifting in its rooted positi……(内容加载失败!)




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