The full mooed a halo behind Igels head and evoked the memory of saints and is in the church I could barely remember. By his side stood Luchóg. Both were dressed for travel in jackets and shoes to ward off the frost.

"Aniday, get up a dressed. Youre ing with us this m."

"M?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Its the middle of the night."

"The sunll be up in no time. Youd best be quick," Luchóg advised.

We stole along the hidden trails through the forest, leaping like rabbits, scrambling through brambles, c ground with great speed and no pause. Clouds passed beh the moon, first hiding and then revealing the landscape. The trail led across empty roads, our feet sounding on the pavement. We darted through open spaces, through a field of stalks that rustled and hummed as we rolled between rows, past a barn big against the dark sky and a farmhouse yellow in the skittish moonlight. Iall, a cow lowed at our fleeting presence. A dog barked once. Past the farm……(内容加载失败!)




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