We ehe church to steal dles. Even in the dead of night, the slate and glass building asserted its prominenain Street. Bound by an iron fehe church had been laid out in the shape of a cross, and no matter how one approached it, the symbols were inescapable. Huge chestnut doors at the top of a dozen steps, mosaics from the Bible iained-glass windows refleg moonlight, parapets hiding angels lurkihe roof—the whole edified like a ship that threateo s us as we drew near. Smaolach, Speck, and I crept through the graveyard adjat to the eastern arm of the churd popped in through a side door that the priests left unlocked. The long rows of pews and the vaulted ceiling created a space that, in the darkness, pressed down on us; its emptiness had weight and substance. Once our eyes adjusted, however, the church did not seem as sm. The threatening size diminished, and the high walls and arched ceilings reached out as if to embrace us. We split up, Smaolad Spe search……(内容加载失败!)




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