Looking far ahead oh, I spied her returning to camp, which set my mind at ease. She appeared betweerees, moving like a deer along the ridgelihe i at the library had left me eager to apologize, so I took a shortcut through the forest that would allow me to cut her off along her route. My mind buzzed with the story of the man in the yard. I hoped to tell her before the important parts vanished in the fusion. Speck would be mad, rightfully so, but her passion would mollify any anger. As I drew near, she must have spotted me, for she took off in a sprint. Had I not hesitated befiving chase, perhaps I would have caught her, but the rough terraied speed. In my haste, I snagged my toe on a fallen brand landed facedown in the dirt. Spitting leaves and twigs, I looked up to see Speck had already made it into camp and was talking with Béka.

"She doesnt want to speak with you," the old toad said upon my arrival, and clamped his hand on my shoulder. A few of the e……(内容加载失败!)




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