Moving bae from college brought a kind of stupor to my daily life, and my nights became a waking dread. If I wasnt pounding out yet another imitation on the piano, I was behind the bar, tending to the usual crowd with demons of their own. I had fallen into a routi Oscars whera of them all arrived and ordered a shot of whiskey. He slid the glass against the rail and stared at it. I went on to the er, poured a beer, sliced a lemon, and came back to the guy, and the drink was sitting undisturbed. He ixy fellow, , sober, in a cheap suit and tie, and as far as I could tell, he hadnt lifted his hands from his lap.

"Whats the matter, mister? You havent touched your drink."

"Would you give it to me on the house if I make that glass move without toug it?"

"What do you mean, move? How far?"

"How far would it have to move for you to believe?"

"Not far." I was hooked. "Move it at all, and you have a deal."

He reached out his right hand to shake on it, ah him, the……(内容加载失败!)




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