Mistakes were made, despite our careful planning. I am troubled to this day by my part, however minor, in the series of misfortunes and errors that led to his death. I am even more sorry about the ges wrought by those two days in June, which sequences founded us for years. That none of us intended any harm matters not at all. We are responsible for our as, even when acts occur, if only for the steps we omitted lected. Irospect, perhaps we overplahey could have sneaked into the Loves house, snatched Oscar while he slept, and ily tucked Igel uhe covers. The boy always was left aloo play for hours at a time. We could have grabbed him in broad daylight a in a ged Igel for dinner. Or we could have skipped the purification by water. Who still believes in that old myth? It did not have to end in such a heartbreaking way.

Oscar Love came out to play on a June evening, dressed in blue shorts and a shirt with writing across the chest. He wore sandals, dirt caked ……(内容加载失败!)




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