Despite being uer for a day, the body was identified as that of young Oscar Love. The sheet pulled back, the shog bloat of the drowned, and sure enough, it was him, although the truth is, none of us could bear to look closely. Had it not been for the strating around the waterlogged corpse, maybe no one would have thought it anything other than a tragic act. He would have been laid to rest uwo yards of good earth, and his parents left to their private grief. But suspis were raised from the moment that they gaffed him from the river. The corpse was transported twelve miles to the ty mue for a proper autopsy and i. The ers searched for cause but found only strange effects. To all outward appearance he was a young boy, but when they cut him open, the doctors discovered an old man. The weirdness never made the papers, but Oscar later told me about the atrophied internal ans, the necrosis of the heart, the dehydrated lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, and brain o……(内容加载失败!)




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