I am the only person who truly knows what happened in the forest. Jimmys story explained for me the mystery of the drowned Oscar Love and his miraculous reappearance several days later. Of course, it was the gelings, and all the evidence firmed my suspi of a failed attempt to steal the child. The dead body was that of a geling, an old friend of mine. I could picture the face of the in li had erased their names. My life there had bee imagining the day when I would begin my life in the upper world. As the decades passed, the cast of characters had shifted as, one by one, each became a geling, found a child, and took its place. In time, I had e to resent every one of them and to disregard eaew member of our tribe. I deliberately tried tet them all. Did I say a friend of mine had died? I had no friends.

While gladdened by the prospect of one less devil in the woods, I was oddly disturbed by Jimmys at of little Oscar Love, and I dreamt that night of a lonel……(内容加载失败!)




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