We were afraid of what might happe. Under Békas dire, we roamed the woods, never camping in the same plaore than three nights in a row. Waiting for some decision from Béka brewed a disease among us. We fought over food, water, the best resting places. Ragno and Zanzara ed the most basiing; their hair tangled in vinelike riots, and their skin darkened beh a film of dirt. Chavisory, Blomma, and Kivi suffered an angry silence, sometimes not speaking for days on end. Desperate without his smokes and distras, Luchóg snapped over the ti provocation and would have e to blows with Smaolach if not for his friends gentle disposition. I would often find Smaolach after their arguments, staring at the ground, pulling handfuls of grass from the earth. Speck grew more distant, withdrawn into her own imagination, and when she suggested a moment aloogether, I gladly joined her away from the others.

In that Indian summer, the days stayed warm despite the waning of the……(内容加载失败!)




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