I should have fessed to Tess at the start, but who knows when love begins? Two trary impulses pulled at me. I did not want to scare her away with the geling story, yet I loo entrust all my secrets to her. But it was as if a demon shadowed me everywhere and clamped shut my mouth to hold iruth. She gave me many opportuo open my heart and tell her, and I came close once or twice, but each time I hesitated and stopped.

On Labor Day we were at the baseball stadium iy, watg the home team take on Chicago. I was distracted by the enemy ru sed base.

"So, whats the plan for The Coverboys?"

"Plan? lan?"

"You really should record an album. Youre that good." She attacked a hot dog thick with relish. Our pitcher struck out their batter, and she let out a whoop. Tess loved the game, and I e for her sake.

"What kind of album? Covers of other peoples songs? Do you really think anybody would buy a copy when they have the inal?"

"Youre right," she said between bites. "Ma……(内容加载失败!)




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