We lived in the dark hole, and the abandoned mine on the hillside proved to be a very bad home ihat first winter, I went into a deeper hibernation than ever before, waking only every few days to eat or drink a few mouthfuls, then back to bed. Most of the others dwelt in the narcoleptic state, a haze that lasted from December through March. The darkness enfolded us in its moist embrace, and for many weeks not a peep of sun reached us. Snowfalls almost sealed us in, but the porous entrance allowed the cold to pee. The walls wept and froze into slick crusts that shattered under pressure.

In the springtime we slipped into the green world, hungry and thin. In the unfamiliar territory, looking for food became a daily preoccupation. The hillside itself was all slag and shale, and even in high season, only the hardiest grasses and moss g to a tenuous hold. No animals bothered te there. Béka cautioned us not to roam too far, so we made do with what we could sge……(内容加载失败!)




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