I had a name, although at times Gustav Ungerland was no more real to me than Henry Day. The simple solution would have been to track down Tom Mes and ask him for more details about what had been said under hypnosis. After finding the article in the library, I tried to locate its author but had no more to go on than the address in the magazine. Several weeks after receiving my letter, the editor of the defunct Journal of Myth and Society replied that he would be glad to forward it on to the professor, but nothing came of it. When I called his uy, the chairman of the department said Mes had vanished on a Monday m, right in the middle of the semester, a no f address. My attempts at tag Brian Ungerland proved equally frustrating. I couldnt very well pester Tess for information about her old boyfriend, and after asking around town, someoold me that Brian was at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, with the U.S. Army, studying how to blow things up. There were no Ungerlands ……(内容加载失败!)




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