The most merciless thing in the world is love. When love flees, all that remains is memory to pensate. Our friends were either going oheir ghosts the best our poor minds could jure to fill loves absence. I am hauo this day by all those who are missing. Losing Kivi, Blomma, Ragno, and Zanzara proved heartbreaking for Speck, too. She went about her tasks grim aermined, as if by staying busy she could keep phantoms at bay.

After the disaster in the mine, we deposed Béka with his sent, and the diminished elected Smaolach our new leader. We lived above ground for the first time in years, bound to one small clearing in the forest by Chavisorys immobility. The impulse to go bae ate at us all. Five years had passed since we had left our camp, ahought it might be safe to return. The last time anyone had seen our former home, the grounds had been denuded, but surely new growth had begun—where black ash had been, saplings should be ing up amid the wildflowers a……(内容加载失败!)




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