The first time I saw him, I was thteo say anything and too awestruck to touch him. He was not a freak or a devil, but perfe every way, a beautiful boy. After the long wait to meet him, I found myself overe by the sudden ge, not so much his physical presence, his arrival after being hidden away, but the ge io something more sublimely human. Tess smiled at my fusion and the look in my eyes as I beheld him.

"You wont break him," she said.

My son. Our child. Ten fingers, ten toes. Good creat lungs, a natural at the breast. I held him in my arms and remembered the twins in their matg yellow jumpers, my mother singing to me as she scrubbed my ba the bathtub, my father holding my hand when we climbed the bleachers at an autumn football game. Then I remembered Clara, my first mother, how I loved to crawl uhe billows of her skirts, and the st of witch hazel on my father Abrams cheek, his feathery moustache as he pressed his lips against my skin. I kissed our boy……(内容加载失败!)




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