I tucked her letter into my book ao look for Speck. Panic overwhelmed logid I ran out onto the library lawn, hoping that she had left only moments before. The QOW had ged over to a cold rain, obliterating any tracks she might have made. Not a single soul could be seen. No one answered when I called her name, and the streets were curiously empty, as church bells began t out another Sunday. I was a fool to ve into town in the middle of the m. Following the labyrinth of sidewalks, I had no idea which way to go. A car eased around a er and slowed as the driver spotted me walking in the rain. She braked, rolled down the window, and called out, "Do you need a ride? Youll catch your death of cold."

I remembered to make my voiderstandable—a siroke of fortune on that miserable day. "No, thank you, maam. Im going home."

"Dont call me maam," she said. She had a blonde ponytail like the woman who lived in the house we had robbed months before, and she wore a crook……(内容加载失败!)




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