Speck loved to be by moving water. My stro memory is of her animated by the currents, empathetic to the flow. I saw her once, years ago, stripped to the skin, sitting with her legs tucked beh her, as the water rolled around her waist and the sunshine caressed her shoulders. Under normal circumstances, I would have jumped and splashed in the creek with her, but struck by the grace of her ned limbs, the tours of her face, I could not move. On another occasion, wheownsfolk shot off fireworks in the night, we watched the explosions upriver, and she seemed more ented by the waterflow than by the loud fl in the sky. While the people looked up, she watched the light refleg on the ripples and the sparks as they hissed on the surface. From the beginning, I had guessed where she had gone and why, but I did not act upon that intuition because of a fual lack of ce. The same fears that had prevented me from crossing at the riverbend also made me break off the seard ……(内容加载失败!)




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