I set out to learhing that could be known about the other Henry Day. My lifes story and its telling are bound to his, and only by uanding what had happeo him would I know all that I had missed. My friends agreed to help me, for by our nature we are spooks a agents. Because their skills had lain dormant sihe botched ge with Oscar Love, the faeries took special delight in spying on Henry Day. Once upon a time, he was one of them.

Luchóg, Smaolach, and Chavisory tracked him to an older neighborhood on the far side of town where he circled round the streets as if lost. He stopped and talked to two adorable young girls playing with their dollies in their front yard. After watg him drive off, Chavisory approached the girls, thinking they might be Kivi and Blomma in human form. The sisters guessed Chavisory was a faery right away, and she ran, laughing and shrieking, to our hiding pla a of blackberry stalks. A short time later, our spies spotted Henry Day ta……(内容加载失败!)




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