Mr Tulliver of Dorlill, Declares His Resolution about Tom

`WHAT I want, you know, said Mr Tulliver, `what I want, is to give Tom a good eddication: an eddication asll be a bread to him. That was what I was thinking on when I gave notice for him to leave th Academy at Ladyday. I mean to put him to a dht good school at Midsummer. The two years at th Academy ud ha done well enough, if Id meant to make a miller and farmer of him, for hes had a fine sight more schoolin nor I ever got: all the learnin my father ever paid for was a bit o birch at one end and the alphabet at th other. But I should like Tom to be a bit of scholard, so as he might be up to the tricks othese fellows as talk fine and write wi a flourish. It ud be a help to me wi these law-suits and arbitrations and things. I wouldnt make a dht lawyer o the lad - I should be sorry for him to be a raskill - but a sort o engineer, or a surveyor, or an aueer and vallyer, like Riley, or ohem smartish bu……(内容加载失败!)




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