Mr Riley Gives His Advice ing a School for Tom

THE gentleman in the ample white cravat and shirt-frill, taking his brandy and water so pleasantly with his good friend Tulliver, is Mr Riley: a gentleman with a waxen plexion and fat hands, rather highly educated for an aueer and appraiser, but large-hearted enough to show a great deal of bonhommie towards simple try acquaintances of hospitable habits. Mr Riley spoke of such acquaintances kindly as `people of the old school. The versation had e to a pause. Mr Tulliver, not without a particular reason, had abstained from a seventh recital of the cool retort by which Riley had shown himself too many for Dix, and how Wakem had had his b cut for on his life, now the business of the dam had beeled by arbitration, and how there never would have been any dispute at all about the height of water if everybody was what they should be, and Old Harry hadnt made the lawyers. Mr Tulliver was on the whole a man of safe t……(内容加载失败!)




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