Ehe Aunts and Uncles

THE Dodsons were certainly a handsome family, and Mrs Glegg was not the least handsome of the sisters. As she sat in Mrs Tullivers arm-chair, no impartial observer could have dehat for a woman of fifty she had a very ely fad figure, though Tom and Maggie sidered their aunt Glegg as the type of ugliness. It is true she despised the advantages of e, for though, as she often observed, no woman had better clothes, it was not her way to wear her hings out before her old ones. Other women, if they liked, might have their best thread la every wash, but when Mrs Glegg died, it would be found that she had better lace laid by in the right-hand drawer of her wardrobe, in the Spotted Chamber, than ever Mrs Wooll of St Oggs had bought in her life, although Mrs Wooll wore her lace before it aid for. So of her curled fronts. Mrs Glegg had doubtless the glossiest and crispest brown curls in her drawers, as well as curls in various degrees of fuzzy ……(内容加载失败!)




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