Maggie Behaves Worse than She Expected

THE startling object which thus made an epoch for uncle Pullet was no other than little Lucy, with one side of her person, from her small foot to her bo-, wet and discoloured with mud, holding out two tiny blaed hands and making a very piteous face. To at for this unpreted apparition in aunt Pullets parlour, we must return to the moment whehree childreo play out of doors and the small demons who had taken possession of Maggies soul at an early period of the day had returned in all the greater force after a temporary absence. All the disagreeable recolles of the m were thick upon her, when Tom, whose displeasure towards her had been siderably refreshed by her foolish trick of causing him to upset his cowslip wine, said, `Here, Lucy, you e along with me, and walked off to the area where the toads were, as if there were no Maggie ience. Seeing this Maggie li a distance looking like a small Medusa with her snakes cropp……(内容加载失败!)




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