Maggie Tries Run Away from Her Shadow

MAGGIES iions, as usual, were on a larger scale than Tom had imagihe resolution that gathered in her mind, after Tom and Lucy had walked away, was not so simple as that of going home. No! she would run away and go to the gypsies, and Tom should never see her any more. That was by no means a new idea to Maggie: she had been so often told she was like a gypsy and `half wild that when she was miserable it seemed to her the only way of esg opprobrium and beiirely in harmony with circumstances, would be to live in a little brow on the ons: the gypsies, she sidered, would gladly receive her and pay her much respe at of her superior knowledge. She had once mentioned her views on this point to Tom, and suggested that he should stain his face brown and they should run away together; but Tom rejected the scheme with pt, that gypsies were thieves and hardly got anything to eat and had nothing to drive but a dooday, however, M……(内容加载失败!)




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