Mr and Mrs Glegg at Home

IN order to see Mr and Mrs Glegg at home, we must ehe town of St Oggs - that venerable town with the redfluted roofs and the broad warehouse gables, where the black ships uhemselves of their burthens from the far north, and carry away, in exge, the precious inland products, the well-crushed cheese and the soft fleeces, which my refined readers have doubtless bee acquainted with through the medium of the best classic pastorals. It is one of those old, old towns, which impress one as a tinuation and outgrowth of nature as much as the s of the bower birds or the winding galleries of the white ants: a town which carries the traces of its long growth and history, like a millennial tree, and has sprung up and developed in the same spot between the river and the low hill from the time when the Roman legions turheir backs on it from the camp on the hill-side, and the longhaired sea-kings camp up the river and looked with fierce, eager e……(内容加载失败!)




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