Toms `First Half

TOM TULLIVERS sufferings during the first quarter he was at Kings Lorton uhe distinguished care of the Rev. Walter Stelling were rather severe. At Mr Jacobs Academy, life had not preseself to him as a difficult problem: there were plenty of fellows to play with, and Tom being good at all active games, fighting especially, had that prece among them which appeared to him inseparable from the personality of Tom Tulliver; Mr Jacobs himself, familiarly known as Old Goggles, from his habit of wearing spectacles, imposed no painful awe; and if it was the property of snuffy old hypocrites like him to write like copperplate and surround their signatures with arabesques, to spell without forethought, and to spout `My name is Norval without bungling, Tom for his part was rather glad he was not in danger of those mean aplishments. He was not going to be a snuffy saster - he; but a substantial man, like his father, who used to go hunting when he was……(内容加载失败!)




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