The Christmas Holidays

FINE old Christmas with the snowy hair and ruddy face had done his duty that year in the fashion, and had set off his rich gifts of warmth and colour with all the heightening trast of frost and snow. Snow lay on the croft and river-bank in undulations softer than the limbs of infancy; it lay with the liest finished border on every sloping roof, making the dark-red gables stand out with a new depth of colour; it weighed heavily on the laurels and fir-trees till it fell from them with a shuddering sound; it clothed the rough turnip-field with whiteness and made the sheep look like dark blotches; the gates were all blocked up with the sloping drifts, and here and there a disregarded four-footed beast stood as if petrified `in unrecumbent sadness; there was no gleam, no shadow, for the heavens too were oill pale cloud - no sound or motion in anything but the dark river, that flowed and moaned like an uing sorrow. But old Christmas sm……(内容加载失败!)




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