`The Young Idea

THE alternations of feeling in that first dialogue between Tom and Philip tio mark their intercourse even after many weeks of schoolboy intimacy. Tom never quite lost the feeling that Philip, being the son of a `rascal, was his natural enemy, hhly overcame his repulsion to Philips deformity: deformity: he was a boy who adhered tenaciously to impressions once received: as with all minds in which mere perception predominates over thought aion, the external remaio him rigidly what it was in the first instance. But then, it was impossible not to like Philips pany when he was in a good humour: he could help one so well in ones Latin exercises, whi regarded as a kind of puzzle that could only be found out be a lucky ce; and he could tell such wonderful fighting stories about Hal of the Wynd, for example, and other heroes who were especial favourites with Tom, because they laid about them with heavy strokes. He had small opinion of Saladin whos……(内容加载失败!)




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