Maggies Sed Visit

THIS last breach betweewo lads was not readily mended and for some time they spoke to each other no more than was necessary. Their natural antipathy of temperament made rese an easy passage to hatred, and in Philip the transition seemed to have begun: there was no malignity in his disposition, but there was a susceptibility that made him peculiarly liable to a strong sense of repulsion. The ox - we may veo assert it ohority of a great classic - is not given to use his teeth as an instrument of attack; and Tom was an excellent bovine lad, who ran at questionable objects in a truly ingenuous bovine manner; but he had blundered on Philips te point, and had caused him as much acute pain as if he had studied the means with the precision and the most envenomed spite. Tom saw no reason why they should not make up this quarrel as they had done many others, by behaving as if nothing had happened; for though he had never before said to Philip t……(内容加载失败!)




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