What Had Happe Home

WHEN Mr Tulliver first khe fact that the lawsuit was decided against him and that Pivart and Wakem were triumphant, every one who happeo observe him at the time thought that for so fident and hot-tempered a man he bore the blow remarkably well. He thought so himself: he thought he was going to show that if Wakem or anybody else sidered him crushed, they would find themselves mistaken. He could not refuse to see that the costs of this protracted suit would take more than he possessed to pay them, but he appeared to himself to be full of expedients by which he could ward off as but such as were tolerable, and could avoid the appearance of breaking down in the world. All the obstinad defiance of his nature, driven out of their old el, found a vent for themselves in the immediate formation of plans by which he would meet his difficulties and remain Mr Tulliver of Dorlill in spite of them. There was such a rush of projects in his brain, t……(内容加载失败!)




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