Mrs Tullivers Teraphim, or Household Gods

WHEN the coach set down Tom and Maggie, it was five hours since she had started from home, and she was thinking with some trembling that her father had perhaps missed her and asked for `the little wen vain. She thought of no other ge that might have happened. She hurried along the gravel walk aered the house before Tom, but irance she was startled by a strong smell of tobacco. The parlour door was ajar - that was where the smell came from. It was very strange: could any visitor be smoking at a time like this? Was her mother there? If so, she must be told that Tom was e. Maggie, after this pause of surprise was only i of opening the door when Tom came up and they both looked in the parlether. There was a coarse, dingy man, of whose fa had some vague recolle, sitting in his fathers chair, smoking, with a jug and glass beside him.

The truth flashed on Toms mind in an instant. To `have the bailiff in the house, and ……(内容加载失败!)




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