A Vanishing Gleam

MR TULLIVER, evewees of spasmodic rigidity which had recurred at intervals ever since he had been found fallen from his horse, was usually in so apathetic a dition that the exits arances into his room were not felt to be of great importance. He had lain so still, with his eyes closed, all this m, that Maggie told her aunt Moss she must not expect her father to take any notice of them. They entered very quietly, and Mrs Moss took her seat he head of the bed, while Maggie sat in her old pla the bed, and put her hand on her fathers, without causing any ge in his face.

Mr Glegg and Tom had also ereading softly, and were busy seleg the key of the old oak chest from the bunch whi had brought from his fathers bureau. They succeeded in opening the chest - which stood opposite the foot of Mr Tullivers bed - and propping the lid with the iron holder, without muoise.

`Theres a tin box, whispered Mr Glegg, `hed most like put a small thing like a n……(内容加载失败!)




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