Tom Applies His Ko the Oyster

THE day, at ten oclock, Tom was on his way to St Oggs, to see his uncle Deane, who was to e home last night, his aunt had said; and Tom had made up his mind that his uncle Deane was the right person to ask for advice about getting some employment. He was in a great way of business; he had not the narrow notions of uncle Glegg; and he had risen in the world on a scale of adva which accorded with Toms ambition. It was a dark, chill, misty m, likely to end in rain - one of those ms when even happy people take refuge in their hopes. And Tom was very unhappy: he felt the humiliation as well as the prospective hardships of his lot with all the keenness of a proud nature; and with all his resolute dutifulowards his father there mingled an irrepressible indignation against him which gave misfortuhe less endurable aspect of a wrong. Sihese were the sequences of going to law, his father was really blamable as his aunts and uncles ha……(内容加载失败!)




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