Tending to Refute the Popular Prejudice against the Present of a Pocket-Knife

IN that dark time of December the sale of the household furniture lasted beyond the middle of the sed day. Mr Tulliver, who had begun, in his intervals of sciousness, to ma an irritability which often appeared to have as a direct effect the recurrence of spasmodic rigidity and insensibility, had lain in this livih throughout the critical hours when the noise of the sale came o his chamber. Mr Turnbull had decided that it would be a less risk to let him remain where he was, than to move him to Lukes cottage, a plan which the good Luke had proposed to Mrs Tulliver, thinking it would be very bad if the master were `to waken up at the noise of the sale; and the wife and children had sat imprisoned in the silent chamber, watg the large prostrate figure on the bed, and tremblihe blank face should suddenly show some respoo the sounds which fell on their own ears with such obstinate, ……(内容加载失败!)




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