A Variation of Protestantism Unknown to Bossuet

JOURNEYING down the Rh?ne on a summers day, you have perhaps felt the sunshine made dreary by those ruined villages which stud the banks iain parts of its course, telling how the swift river once rose, like an angry, destroying god sweeping down the feeble geions whose breath is in their nostrils and making their dwellings a desolation. Strange trast, you may have thought, between the effect produced on us by these dismal remnants of onplace houses, whi their best days were but the sign of a sordid life, belonging in all its details to our own vulgar era - and the effect produced by those ruins on the castled Rhine which have crumbled and mellowed into such harmony with the green and rocky steeps, that they seem to have a natural fitness, like the mountain pine: nay, even in the day when they were built they must have had this fitness, as if they had been raised by ah-born race who had ied from their might……(内容加载失败!)




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