A Voice from the Past

Oernoohe chestnuts were ing into flower, Maggie had brought her chair outside the front door and was seated there with a book on her knees. Her dark eyes had wandered from the book, but they did not seem to be enjoying the sunshine which pierced the s of jasmine on the projeg porch at her right and threw leafy shadows on her pale round cheek; they seemed rather to be searg for something that was not disclosed by the sunshi had been a more miserable day than usual: her father, after a visit of Wakems had had a paroxysm e, in which for some trifling fault he had beaten the boy who served in the mill. Once before, since his illness, he had had a similar paroxysm, in which he had beaten his horse, and the se had left a lasting terror in Maggies mind. The thought had risen, that some time or other he might beat her mother if she happeo speak in her feeble way at the wrong moment. The kee of all dread with her was, lest her father should……(内容加载失败!)




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