The Wavering Balance

I SAID that Maggie went home that evening from the Red Deeps with a mental flict already begun. You have seen clearly enough in her interview with Philip, what that flict was. Here suddenly ening in the rocky wall which shut in the narrow Valley of Humiliation, where all her prospect was the remote unfathomed sky; and some of the memory-hauntihly delights were no longer out of her reach. She might have books, verse, affe - she might hear tidings of the world from which her mind had not yet lost its sense of exile; and it would be a kio Philip too, who itiable - clearly not happy; and perhaps here portunity indicated for making her mind more worthy of its highest service - perhaps the , pletest devoutness could hardly exist without some width of knowledge: must she always live in this resigned impriso? It was so blameless, so good a thing that there should be friendship between her and Philip; the motives that forbade it were so unre……(内容加载失败!)




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