The Cloven Tree

SECRETS are rarely betrayed or discovered acc to any programme our fear has sketched out. Fear is almost always haunted by terrible dramatic ses, which recur in spite of the best argued probabilities against them; and during a year that Maggie had had the burthen of cealment on her mind, the possibility of discovery had tinually preseself uhe form of a suddeing with her father or Tom when she was walking with Philip in the Red Deeps. She was aware that this was not one of the most likely events; but it was the se that most pletely symbolised her inward dread. Those slight i suggestions which are depe on apparently trivial ces and incalculable states of mind are the favourite maery of Fact, but are not the stuff in which imagination is apt to work. Certainly one of the persons about whom Maggies fears were farthest from troubling themselves was her aunt Pullet, on whom, seeing that she did not live in St Oggs, and was her sharp-eyed nor s……(内容加载失败!)




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