The Hard-Won Triumph

THREE weeks later, when Dorlill was at its prettiest moment in all the year - the great chestnuts in blossom, and the grass all deep and daisied - Tom Tulliver came home to it earlier than usual in the evening, and as he passed over the bridge, he looked with the old deep-rooted affe at the respectable red brick house, which always seemed cheerful and inviting outside, let the rooms be as bare and the hearts as sad as they might, ihere is a very pleasant light in Toms blue-grey eyes as he gla the house-windows: that fold in his brow never disappears but it is not unbeing - it seems to imply a strength of will that may possibly be without harshness, when the eyes and mouth have their ge expression. His firm step bees quicker, and the ers of his mouth rebel against the pression which is meant to forbid a smile.

The eyes in the parlour were not turowards the bridge just then, and the group there was sitting in uant silence: Mr Tulliver……(内容加载失败!)




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