A Duet in Paradise

THE well-furnished drawing-room, with the open grand piano and the pleasant outlook down a sloping garden to a boat-house by the side of the Floss, is Mr Deahe little lady in m, whose light brlets are falling over the coloured embroidery with which here fingers are busy, is of course Lucy Deane; and the fine young man who is leaning down from his chair to snap the scissors iremely abbreviated face of the `King Charles lying on the young ladys feet, is no other than Mr Stephe, whose diam, attar of roses, and air of nonchalant leisure at twelve oclo the day are the graceful and odoriferous result of the largest oil-mill and the most extensive wharf in St Oggs. There is an apparent triviality iion with the scissors, but your disment perceives at ohat there is a design in it which makes it emily worthy of a large-headed, long-limbed young man; for you see that Lucy wants the scissors and is pelled, relut as she may be, to shake her ris b……(内容加载失败!)




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