First Impressions

`HE is very clever, Maggie, said Lucy. She was kneeling on a footstool at Maggies feet, after plag that dark lady in the large crimso chair. `I feel sure you will like him. I hope you will. `I shall be very difficult to please, said Maggie, smiling, and holding up one of Lucys long curls, that the sunlight might shihrough it. `A gentleman who thinks he is good enough for Lucy, must expect to be sharply criticised.

`Indeed, hes a great deal too good for me. And sometimes, when he is away, I almost think it t really be, that he loves me. But I ever doubt it when he is with me - though I couldnt bear any o you to know that I feel in that way, Maggie.

`Oh, then, if I disapprove of him, you give him up, since you are not engaged, said Maggie with playful gravity.

`I would rather not be engaged: - When people are ehey begin to think of being married soon, said Lucy, too thhly preoccupied to notice Maggies joke, `and I should like everything……(内容加载失败!)




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