Brother and Sister

MAGGIE was obliged to go to Toms lodgings in the middle of the day, when he would be ing in to dinner, else she would not have found him at home. He was not lodging with erangers. Our friend Bob Jakin had, with Mumpss tacit sent, taken not only a wife about eight months ago, but also one of those queer old houses pierced with surprising passages, by the water-side, where, as he observed, his wife and mother could keep themselves out of mischief by letting out two `pleasure-boats in which he had ied some of his savings, and by taking a lodger for the parlour and spare bedroom. Uhese circumstances, what could be better for the is of all parties, sanitary siderations apart, than that the lodger should be Mr Tom? It was Bobs wife who opehe door to Maggie. She was a tiny woman, with the general physiognomy of a Dutch doll, looking, in parison with Bobs mother who filled up the passage in the rear, very much like one of those human figures ……(内容加载失败!)




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