Illustrating the Laws of Attra

IT is evident to you now, that Maggie had arrived at a moment in her life which must be sidered by all prudent persons as a great opportunity for a young woman. Launched into the higher society of St Oggs, with a striking person which had the advantage of being quite unfamiliar to the majority of beholders, and with such moderate assistance of e as you have seen foreshadowed in Lucys anxious colloquy with aunt Pullet, Maggie was certainly at a arting-point in life. At Lucys first evening party, young Torry fatigued his facial muscles more than usual in order that `the dark-eyed girl there, in the er, might see him in all the additional style ferred by his eye-glass; and several young ladies went home intending to have short sleeves with black lad to plait their hair in a broad et at the back of their head - `That cousin of Miss Deanes looked so very well. In faaggie, with all her inward sciousness of a painful past and her……(内容加载失败!)




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